Water & Wastewater
From inspections to total system management, we know water and wastewater. We offer engineering services for water supply, treatment, storage and distribution as well conveyance and treatment of wastewater.

Water Tank
Monitoring your tank conditions and keeping accurate records is required in your state. However, taking a tank out of service just to inspect it can be costly. Using a Remote-Operated Vehicle (ROV) submarine, we can inspect the interior of your tank while in operation.
Services we offer:
Repair and Repaint Inspection
New Construction Inspection
TDEC And Warranty Inspection
Global positioning is the most accurate approach to mapping, and the most economical. These Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) maps give you the ability capture accurate data in real time and accurately pinpoint hard-to-find assets.
Water and Wastewater System Mapping
Survey grade GPS locations of valves, hydrants, meters, manholes, and other appurtenances
Online GIS viewing

Water & Wastewater Operations
We offer turn-key solutions to operating your water or wastewater system, with comprehensive packages of management and licensed operation services. We handle it all from billing, operations, and maintenance to state record-keeping. Our staff’s diverse background in operations and management of utilities will allow you to take a hand’s off approach in operating your utility system.